Holly Houston is one of those people who not only has a ready-made stage name and is well on top of her ceramics game, she's also getting a reputation for being someone who's up for a challenge. Numerous times we've gone to her and said "Hey Holly, we need 100 plates...and we need em by Wednesday." Invariably, she elicits a quiet chuckle and says "I think I can help." Let's just say, we owe her a favour or two. Do yourself a favour and hop over to Holly Houston Ceramics and check out her new collection. 


WHO is influencing you right now? 

I am obsessed with kids art at the moment. My 4 year old Willow has been spending more time with me in the studio lately painting faces on my plates before I fire them, her mark making ability is SO much better than mine ever could be and I spent like four years going to drawing and painting classes.

WHAT is the next big thing you're excited about? 

It's not really a big thing, but I'm so excited about it - I just started a vege garden again after a three year hiatus. I've been doing ceramics for the last few years and it has totally engulfed my entire life, I have spent this entire year so far trying to reclaim all those parts of who I was and what I loved before. 
Ironically, I spend all my time at work with my hands in dirt, and now I go home and spend my relaxation time with my hands in dirt too.


WHERE are you going next? 

Tonight I'm going to meet up with my business circle gang. My friend Tamzin from Mavis and Osborn and I initiated it as an opportunity to regularly meet up with other small creative business owners like us, who make their own product.  We talk about all the tricky bits and work out solutions to some of the hard things we face in running our own businesses. A lot of us started as artists or makers who now have to work out how to put our adult pants on and run a proper business, with no business background or education! 
Solidarity in numbers, haha. 


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FB - @hollyhoustonceramics

IG - @hollyhoustonceramics
