Unknown Ceramics - FRIENDS OF ARKADE

I sat down with Becky Kemps, A great friend of Arkade.
Becky is a small batch ceramist based in Auckland and the genius behind Unknown Ceramics


WHY did you start your business?

 I never intended to start a ceramic business it just seemed to naturally become one. I’m actually a qualified social worker and worked in foster care before I became a mum. My husband Mike got me a voucher for the beginners course at Auckland Potters Studio for mother’s day a few years ago. I started an Instagram account originally called The Unknown Potter to follow my journey of learning an art form from the beginning. Its naturally progressed into Unknown Ceramics which has been a bit of a wild ride.  


WHO is influencing you right now? 

 I don’t know if any particular people influence me, but more the things I see everyday. The colours and shapes of nature, different objects and images, going on adventures in our caravan, my family, people helping others, and a bit of Country Calendar on Sunday night.



WHAT is the next big thing you're excited about? 

 I ran my first Wine and Clay workshop with my sister-in-law Gloria and we are keen to do more. I love that ceramics is getting so much interest at the moment, it is something that slows you down, reduces stress and enhances creative thinking. It’s  cool to be able to bring people together and share that experience with them.  


WHERE are you going next? 

I’m currently stocking with one of my good friends Alex at AC Homestore and planning more workshops which is enough for me at the moment. My kids are definitely my priority at this stage of life and I want to make sure I’m always there for them at drop-offs and pick-ups and to go on lots of adventures. It restricts how much I can do with my business but I will never regret it.